Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Five fingers Shoes: The future of execution?

Vibram have produced a running shoe that barely covers the foot and sports five toes
Five fingers shoes will become the future of the race. At first glance, the shoes, it seems that someone has put a glove on the foot. Well, is not the most fashionable looking creations, but there is a reason for the seemingly odd design. This is to give an improved sense of barefoot runners.

Tony Post, CEO and President of Vibram USA, Inc., said: "We try to get as close to barefoot feel as we could."

Vibram is a company of 75 years only producer originally founded by an Italian mountaineer who applies technology from cars to shoes. His new adventure of the five fingers of footwear has proved a good move.

Crazy looking shoes, which sell from $ 85 to $ 100, seems to have caught the attention of brokers. Post said the number of distributors handling of the shoes has gone from 24 to over 700 in North America since the brand was launched.

Five young white fingers, active people interested in a variety of sports, fitness, running and outdoor activities and yoga, even.

company website says: "FiveFingers stimulate the muscles of the feet and legs to build strength and improve range of motion."

"Our customers report a greater sense of balance, greater agility, and visibly improved posture.

Five fingers


Tony Post, CEO and President of Vibram USA, Inc., said the company based in Concord, Massachusetts, developed the Vibram Five Fingers shoes four years ago to take advantage of a grassroots movement to promote barefoot running.

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