Friday, October 22, 2010

Five-toed shoes is the future of running?

It seems strange, like someone put a glove on the foot, but Tony insists Post new shoes from your company is the future of the race.
"Every time you use these outside the house, it's hard not being stopped," the Post on the Vibram Five Fingers ( running shoe that barely covers the foot and five toes sport. "We try to get as close to barefoot feel as we could."

Post, CEO and president of Vibram USA, Inc., said the Concord, the Massachusetts-based company developed the Vibram Five Fingers shoes four years ago to take advantage of a grassroots movement to promote barefoot running. Five fingers is the start branching Vibram, a company 75 years of age, only producer originally founded by an Italian mountaineer who applied the self-pneumatic technology to shoes. Post added the new company was funded entirely by the parent company.

There is not only the spokesman, who is also a client.

"I am a person who really had knee surgery five years ago and would not be able to run unless you change the way I was running," he said, adding that the new design promotes a forefoot strike, which is "much less impact on your body, knees, lower back, ankles, "the traditional heel. "It takes some getting used to running that way, but when it does, it really is a more convenient way to run."

Post said that five young white fingers, active people interested in a variety of sports, fitness, running and outdoor activities and yoga, even.

"In the beginning, it was unusual to try to sell this type of product - a product with five toes," said Post, who said consumers initially were skeptical. "It was a hard sell because people do not know if it was a serious product."

Running shoes, which sell from $ 85 to $ 100, seems to have caught the attention of brokers. Post said the number of distributors handling of the shoes has gone from 24 to over 700 in North America since the brand was launched. Post said the company has "never run a single ad," and attributed to consumers for brand growth.

"Everything has been social media, grassroots marketing, a lot of one-on-one talks with candor is what has been being built this business," he said, adding that the strong relationship is what ultimately save the five fingers of imitators. "People will always find a way, even if it is an exact copy of design around something, so at the end of the day is really about his relationship with the consumer." five fingers

Worldwide sales of sports footwear, which fell nearly 2 percent during the recent recession, is expected to rebound to reach 96 billion U.S. dollars in 2012, according to a 2009 report from research firm apparel and textile industry Just -Style (

"We're probably going to double our distribution in the next year or so," said the Post, adding that five fingers would sell for up to 2,500 stores across the country. He added it is likely to accompany a doubling of its staff of 75 people to accommodate demand. "It is double last year and probably next year we will double or triple the work force again."

Post sees strong growth as the biggest challenge the company.

"The growth rate is much faster today than it was five or 10 years. Our business will grow almost five times more than it was last year this year," he said, drawing their attention is focused on maintaining a strong corporate culture and infrastructure, and to increase production. "I think those are the challenges for us: how to maintain a quality product, are able to service our dealers and still be able to manage this type of very rapid growth."five fingers

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