Wednesday, October 27, 2010

His shoes were dragging me out five fingers
There is a trend that has been stained and treated foot gloves. First, fuzzy distraction was a man in the gloves of running feet ahead of us in the reservoir. After a friend complained that his shins were on fire from a brisk walk in the foot gloves. Last week, more than a drink from the thirsty crow, we were introduced to an acquaintance with gloves feet. In a bar. Are toe shoes new hat?

Vibram five fingers, a company that has been making hiking boots for decades, has been a leader in the physical movement of the toe-shoes. Its innovative footwear is said to develop leg muscles neglected by traditional sneakers, and promote the healthy functioning through the strike or forefoot, or hitting the ground with the ball of the foot and not the heel.

Our thirst known Cuervo spent a cocktail of three rounds of whiskey going (and thereafter) on its Vibram Five fingers shoes - they have to be ordered in special sizes, measured through the web - and how they have changed their life. Maybe the feet are the preferred glove style 2011. things have been more shocking. (Resurgence of neon spandex, anyone?

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